RMC is an international company expanding business into the global marketplace-- both for our company and clients, as well. RMC has developed a strong foothold in the Asian marketplace. Our stated goal is to create synergies between our company and international clients, in order to help generate revenues never before seen in North America. We are one of few media companies, which have employees from Asia and the United States-- at the decision-making level. Because of this hybrid approach, we have been able to swiftly navigate the entertainment industry on both sides of the spectrum.
Over the past four years, RMC has steadily built the most successful American production company in all of East and Southeast Asia, having sold over118 million records. We have developed unparalleled partnerships with the largest Asian entertainment companies, to include Yedang, SM Entertainment and Emperor. RMC is proud to be the first American company to partner with CJ Media, the leading Korean entertainment conglomerate, with international exports throughout the region, including exclusive distribution for Dreamworks Entertainment. CJ owns nine television channels and the largest theater chain in Korea. CJ Media has joined RMC, with a common goal to grow Asian pop culture in the United States.
RMC is rapidly closing the gap between Asia and America. In May of 2004 RMC propelled the first Asian artists to the top of the Billboard Charts. Within a few short weeks, Sun landed the #1 slot on the Dance Chart, with the smash single, "One With You." This was not only a historic moment for her native Singapore, but for all of Asia.

Mark Fried, President
Spirit Music
Address: 137 Fifth Ave, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10010
Tel: 212 533 7672
Fax: 212 979 8566
Palan Music Publishing, Ltd
Greenland Place
115-123 Bayham Street,
London NW1 OAG.
Tel: 44 020 7446 7444
Fax: 44 020 7446 7447
South Korea
Hyunjoo Jin, Manager, Publishing Division
SM Entertainment
Address: 521 Apgujung 2Dong, Kangnam Gu,
Seoul, Korea
Tel: 82 2 3438 9822
Fax: 82 2 545 9976
Akira Tsukahara, Chief Manager A&R/International Division
FujiPacific Music Inc.
Tokyo Tatemono Aoyama Bldg 6F
3-3-5 Kita Aoyama Minato-Ku, Tokyo
107-0061, Japan
Tel: 81 3 3796 8603
Fax: 81 3 3796 0153
Hong Kong/South East Asia

Jonathan Ho, General Manager
FujiPacific Music (S.E Asia) LTD.
Room 1801, Asia Orient Tower, Town Place,
33 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: 852 2789 2236
Fax: 852 2390 7665